I realized today I've been MIA from my bloggity blog blog for a little too long. So sorry! I celebrated my birthday this week... literally ALL week. Dinner with my family, dinner with the boy, birthday cocktails at Century Bar with some of my fave people, and I wrapped up my week long celebration by heading out to the Dublin Pub for St. Patrick's Day. Needless to say - I. Am. Exhausted.
I do have one small update. Please don't think of me as a quitter, because that certainly isn't the case. After 12 weeks of struggling with the numbers on the scale, I decided to no longer be a member of Weight Watchers. Here's the thing - I've been on their Points plan before and had fantastic luck. And I can't talk smack about it - it is an easy plan to follow (want a brownie? Cool - have a brownie!) and it really teaches you some great habits, such as measuring your portions and focusing on fresh fruits and veggies. But WW has recently revamped the way they calculate their points, and it just doesn't seem to work for me. I'll take some of the lessons with me as I go because I really do feel better when I put better food into my body, but I can't continue to pay for a "weight loss" plan when I'm not losing weight.
Like I said, I'm no quitter. And I'm not talking smack about Weight Watchers - I know several people who love the new Points Plus system. Even though the scale has spent the last 3 months bouncing back and forth between the same 4-6 pounds, I feel good. I feel so much better than I have in a long time. I can see a transformation happening in my shape, and that is wicked encouraging. I'll still lay low on the fat, calories and carbs. I'm not giving up..... I'm just not paying to see the numbers not change.
The Marathon Diaries, Vol II, Part 3: T - 1 Day!
10 years ago
I'm proud to have spent two of those bday celebrations with you! YAY! Also, my knees are killing me. Jumping for 6 hours must be hard on the joints (who knew?)
When something stops working, the bravest thing you can do is quit, imho. Too many of us stick through things too long, fooling ourselves that we have to stay at this job, or this person, etc. before we realize it's a big ole waste of time.
What you said is *key* Better food = feeling better. Corn syrup, processed foods, fast foods are killer. Once I kicked the addiction to the fast food, I felt less like Super Craving Girl and more like myself. :-)
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