Is this thing on?
Yeah, I know it's been awhile. Yeah, I know that like 2 people read this. I haven't forgotten about my dear blog, but I really haven't had a whole lot to say. I was running, and I was doing fairly well with it. Sure, my times weren't pretty, but I had worked my way up to a 5 miler. I have an app to keep track of my stats - really didn't feel the need to post them here.
So, like I said. I was running. And then, I didn't feel well. I'd had this "not feeling well" on and off for the last couple of years, but I'd get up the next morning and be fine. Most evenings, I went on my run anyway. Until I REALLY didn't feel well. Like 5 days in a row of feeling so horrendous that I caught myself googling "how can you tell if you're having a heart attack?" It was about the time of that particular google search that I had the epiphany that I was being utterly stupid and made myself an appointment with my family doc.
Long story short, after several office visits, EKGs (to rule out the "big scary stuff" first), x-rays and an abdominal ultrasound, my diagnosis was confirmed.
My gallbladder had gone rogue.
(Wait a minute. What?? Isn't that what old ladies complain about?)
Anyhoo, I was referred to a surgeon by my family doc, met with him, and he was kind of a dick. So, I gathered referrals from friends and family and found someone else. I had my consultation, scheduled my surgery date, and here I am 5 days post-op. Bruised and tender, but feeling pretty sassy for having an organ missing. There's a new sheriff in town, you guys.
Have to admit, I'm super nervous about the race in September. I think had things gone smoothly, I could have had myself ready for the 13.1 miles coming up in 7 very short weeks. I wasn't expecting any hiccups, particularly giant ones that made me park my running shoes in the closet for close to two months. I keep reminding myself - I'm not running it to win it. I'm running it to do it. Complete it. Cross the finish line. To show myself that I can. It may take me a little longer than planned, but I will still cross the finish line.
The Marathon Diaries, Vol II, Part 3: T - 1 Day!
10 years ago
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